Visiblement, ils ont vu trop grand... faute avouée, faute à moitié pardonnée.Dear friends and pilots. :pilotfly:
We apologize for map update delay, this will be a good lesson for us in the future.
We are confident that the update will be released soon, we are working hard on it.
But rest assured that we read feedback and look at new bugs and improvements from users.
We are preparing not just an update that will fix most of the bugs, but massive map improvement that provide more flying options and adds new visual content.
We have already finished modeling airports and unique objects that were announced before. Now we work on unique scenes and map optimization.
Most of the time is spent on small improvements and bug fixing, although globally it already seems that everything is done.
For every small update, it is necessary to build the entire project and update must be approved, then users need to download it, this is inconvenient in our opinion.
That's why we decided to release Phase 3 along with the bugs fixed, but we didn't take into account the time factor, which goes by very quickly.
Thank you for your patience and support.
